Cleanse skin daily with a gentle cleaner and exfoliate at least twice a week with a gentle skin scrub. 每天用温和的洁面用品净化你的皮肤,一周至少用温和的去角质霜去角质。
Three heavy beautiful and white agents, The energy availability inhibition melanin is born, the improvement skin color, slippery great such as the fomulation of the capillitium, it make makeup permit cleaner have no time. 三重美白成份能有效抑制黑色素生成,改善肤色,滑爽如丝的配方,令妆容更洁净无暇。
If paint comes into contact with the skin, wash with warm water and/ or a suitable cleaner. 如果涂料接触到皮肤,应用温水以及(者)当的清洗剂清洗。